Zolbetuximab binding to Claudin18.2 on cancer cells: Draw a cancer cell with Claudin18.2 receptors on its surface. Represent Zolbetuximab as a Y-shaped antibody structure. The “V” part of the antibody should point to the Claudin18.2 receptor. Indicate that Zolbetuximab binds specifically to Claudin18.2 on the cancer cell surface, forming an antibody-antigen complex. Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC): Draw an immune cell, such as a Natural Killer (NK) cell, with FC receptors (label them as FCγR). Show that when the FC region of Zolbetuximab binds to the FC receptors on the NK cell, it activates the NK cell. After activation, the NK cell releases cytotoxic molecules, such as perforin and granzyme, towards the cancer cell, leading to cancer cell death. Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity (CDC): Depict complement proteins (such as C1q) binding to the FC region of the antibody. Illustrate the activation of the complement cascade, with the formation of C3b and the assembly of the C5-C9 complex, which forms pores in the cancer cell membrane. Show the complement complex causing the rupture of the cancer cell membrane, leading to cancer cell death. Cancer cell death: Illustrate cell lysis or cell rupture to represent the cancer cell dying due to ADCC and CDC effects. Annotations for the Diagram: Zolbetuximab: A monoclonal antibody that specifically binds to Claudin18.2. Claudin18.2: A tight junction protein overexpressed on the surface of cancer cells. ADCC: Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity, mediated by NK cells. CDC: Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity, mediated by the complement cascade.
Tiempo de Generación de Imagen por IA: Jan 18, 2025
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¿Qué es el AI Image Generator Hub?
AI Image Generator Hub permite a los usuarios generar imágenes introduciendo descripciones. Actualmente, soportamos el modelo Flux,DALL, con planes de añadir más modelos en el futuro.
¿Cuántas imágenes puedo generar al día?
Los usuarios gratuitos pueden generar hasta 3 imágenes al día. Si necesitas más generaciones, considera actualizar tu cuenta.
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¿Cuál es la calidad de las imágenes generadas?
Nuestro modelo de IA está diseñado para generar imágenes de alta calidad que satisfacen diversas necesidades creativas. Continuamente optimizamos el modelo para mejorar los resultados de generación.
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