帮我生成动漫少女角色图片 角色描述: 发型与头发颜色:浅绿色及肩发,柔软的发丝自然垂落,带有轻微波浪卷。 眼睛与表情:眼睛微微张开,散发着一丝挑衅与冷漠的气息,眼神中带有一种屑笑,似乎对周围的一切都不屑一顾。 嘴唇与微笑:微笑带有轻蔑与自信,嘴角上扬,展现出一丝优越感。 身材:身材苗条而纤细,胸部适中,手臂和大腿都显得特别纤细,皮肤白皙,几乎没有瑕疵。 服装:穿着一件纯白色的全透明T-shirt,布料略显轻盈,里面是真空(没有穿内衣),给人一种空灵的感觉。 丝袜:穿着洁白的丝袜,袜子表面光滑,彰显出她的纤细腿部线条。 姿势与动作:双腿并拢,站立的姿势稳健但不显僵硬,双手藏在背后,无法看到手部,给人一种神秘的感觉。 背景:背景为一个教室,墙上可能有黑板,教室的桌椅简约而现代,光线柔和,整体氛围宁静。
AI Image Generator Time: 20 Dec 2024
Image Generator Hub Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions about our AI image tools? We've got answers. For additional inquiries, feel free to contact us.
What is the Image Generator Hub?
The Image Generator Hub allows users to generate images by inputting descriptions. Currently, we support the Flux model, with plans to support additional models in the future.
How many images can I generate per day?
Free users can generate up to 3 images per day. If you need more generations, consider upgrading your account.
Can I use the generated images for commercial purposes?
Images generated by free users cannot be used for commercial purposes. To use the images commercially, we recommend upgrading to a paid account.
How do I upgrade to a paid account?
You can find the upgrade option in your user settings on the website. Select a suitable paid plan and follow the instructions to complete the payment.
What is the quality of the generated images?
Our AI model is designed to generate high-quality images that meet various creative needs. We continuously optimize the model to improve image generation results.
What should I do if I encounter technical issues?
If you experience any technical issues while using the tool, please contact us through our customer support channels, and we will be happy to assist you.